It has been over 2 years since I have shot at LACMA's Urban Lights. When I heard from a client that they wanted to shoot there, I was happy to return. Well, then as we got closer and with Covid, I opted to take a look and see if and how they were going to handle the area with visitors. Being in Los Angeles, I was guessing it was not going to be as easy as normal.
I could not have been more right. There is now a line to get into the roped off area surrounding the lights. Not surprised and overall, that makes sense. But despite them limiting the amount of people in the area, you still had to wear masks and you are also being watched by at least 4 security guards enforcing this. We shot there in about 15 minutes and I heard no less than 3 times people were asked to keep their masks on. Now as you may know that this is entirely outside and it is very easy to stay over 10 feet way if you have to from others. (As of February 17, 2022, I will need to see if these restrictions are still in place now that masks in California have been removed. Sadly in LA County, they are not following the State guidelines.)
My couple came in to shoot with me from out of state. Disappointment was hard to wash away from their vision of their faces. Sure, I know, many struggle to have their photos taken and can act natural with so much focus on them so I was very happy by the end of the shoot I was able to get them to relax and capture blushing smiles.
We also tried to walk around the area to find other options. As expected we were met with poor attitude employees of LACMA security that made it impossible to shoot anywhere else in the area and often open available areas were closed off. When asked when it would no longer be a guarded area we got no response. It was only some 30 minutes later as I walked back to the parking lot that these employees were no longer on their shifts. Would have been nice to know as we could have waited.
All I can say at this time, I would not recommend anyone bother trying to do portrait sessions at this iconic Los Angeles location, until Covid-19 restrictions are lifted as of today April 13, 2021... there is no end in site.
The Urban Lights is an art exhibit created by the late Chris Burden, 1946-2015. It is made up of 202 restored Los Angeles street lights. His first street light was purchased at the Rose Bowl Flea Market. The entire display of these lights is powered by solar from dusk until 10pm, although in the past I have shot there around 2am and they were still on in hopes of there being less traffic of on lookers, but it seems now, it is limited in time. The lights were installed in 2008 for the exhibit.
See other shoots for this location back before Covid Restrictions visit here.