Now when it comes to engagement sessions and proposals, I have become a bit of an expert over the years. Clients ask, how should we be prepared, what should we wear, should we practice poses and so forth. With a vision in your head, planning and a bit of showing off who you really are you two can have as much fun as this couple had yesterday. Yes, their photos are already edited and posting as I type this...
When it comes to locations it helps to know what you want. If you are in a location like Old Towne Orange, dressing the part can help you escape and be more relaxed. Even with evidences of current times, including mask wearing and tents in the streets, the illusion of going back in time is loud and clear here. Every little corner of this fun town is a place to capture these types of photos. A staircase in an alley, a doorway near a parking lot or the very very generous Watson's Soda Fountain who allowed us to photograph inside without any real limitations. Thank you Watson's! And during covid it's the only open public bathroom accessible to change your clothes or.... well you know.
With the main town circle you will find a great little park with a fountain. Normally this is either empty or completely packed and yesterday was no exception of being busy. Just one day away from restaurants reopening had everyone out of the streets walking around be we made it work. We even found a little alley where this couple was able to reproduce a nice Darth Vader choke hold and a bit of Street Fighter as well.
Enjoy this couple's photos...
See the rest of them, over 700 images here.